Tuesday, November 13, 2012


            A lot of mainstream music has lost its soul. It's not only sad, but tragic. It's all because of youtube that no talent youngsters wind up world famous, filthy rich, or both. We all still have Rebecca Black's "Friday" stuck in our heads, not by choice. Skrillex, enough already. Justin Bieber, Big Time Rush, that Westbrook girl who's trending now, it all makes me want to scream loudly.
            I talked about Linkin Park and their divinity in the music business last post. The industry isn't dead but it's mortally wounded. Rihanna, who's undeniably beautiful, has a lot of catchy singles, but I don't know about purchasing one of her albums. Who knows what her filler tracks sound like? Oh, yeah. She never has those. Every track is a single. No soul on a record like that. What's the point in buying it? Every song is a video on youtube. I'll just go there for Rihanna jamming.
           I'll admit I watched that Rebecca Black video on youtube about 20 times. It was so bad I couldn't stay away. It was back when I had a piece of dirt 10 year old computer too, so I was waiting three minutes for that train wreck to load. The song was dreadful, but that's been said ad nauseum by every internet commenter and blogger. What hasn't been said is that she didn't plan to be hated. We shouldn't hate her. She's just a teenager. Leave her alone. She didn't write the "song". She sang it, that's all.
           Justin Bieber, I know I should stop right here. The guy is too famous. His songs are all the same. Alright, he's a talented dancer and performer, but he's not much of a singer and can't write lyrics or music to save his life. I'm tired of him being in the news. He's not useless or self satisfied like Kim Kardashian, but he needs to disappear for a couple of years. Go to the Bahamas and chill out. No more repetitive music for a while. Please?
           Nickelodeon, what are you doing? Seriously, I know Spongebob is the greatest most iconic thing you've produced, but what happened to your great animated programming? Animal Planet has always had humans, but you guys haven't always had terrible, tacky boy band shows. Naked Brothers Band was bad enough. Big time Rush makes me want to barf up my dinner. They don't have a talented bone in their spray tanned bodies. I really hope they don't reach the undeserved fame levels of Snooki or those ridiculous housewives. If that happens, the mayans were right about 12/21/2012.
            Skrillex, I must say, that is not music. It's just a bunch of noisy clutter taking five to ten minutes out of my life I'll never get back. Dance clubs deserve better than that disgusting excuse for music, even DJ music which is a primitive, worthless life form. I'd rather listen to Jennifer Lopez's On the Floor 100 times in a row before I suffer the nails on a chalkboard of Skrillex again.
             The 60's-90's were the glory decades of the music world. It was all brilliant. Even the hopeless one hit wonders were not only worth a listen, they were inspired, class A songs, mostly. So many brilliant bands who wouldn't even cough up heroin induced blood in the direction of the industry of today, especially those who get high quality music videos and Grammy nominations.
             My god, music needs multiple messiahs because I don't think Kanye West and Linkin Park will be enough. Kanye can't be enough, since he's wasting his semen on a glorified, used up, over inflated, fake ass, untalented porn star. That whole relationship is staged anyway. Kanye, after the Taylor Swift incident I thought you learned your lesson. My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was the best rap record in twenty years. Hopefully when you dump that narcissistic trash you'll have material for another masterpiece. I know you will.

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