Friday, November 9, 2012


                         It's been a while, about 11 months actually. I'm still sitting around like Green Day in their song "Longview".  I haven't really moved a muscle in a couple of months. I'm rapidly deteriorating into a basement dweller, which is for the best. I like the basement. Now that this lengthy introduction is over, and these aren't for a grade, I'm going to let my blog know, these posts wont be about movies anymore. I'm broadening the horizon, whatever that means.
                         I love 'fros. The great curls, the large rounded shapes they create, the fact that my own hair, when outgrown is a natural fro. My grandma made me straighten my hair for senior year so I would have a "clean" look. I went along with it, like Lennon went along with the suit and tie look of The early 60's Beatles. She said curly hair was way too messy and made me look like a bum. Thanks, Grandma. I begrudginly staightened it senior year and regret it. I've since regained my curly hair pride.
                         Brad Delson, the fantastic guitar player for Linkin Park, has one of the worlds greatest fros, especially 2007-08 when it was untrimmed and humongous. What an inspiration he is on me. I hope to pull off what he accomplished throughout the years he's sported his glorious thick curls, mine also get real thick. I can't cut or trim for about two years, and then I'll be a regular Reggie Watts, hopefully. He's another guy who's fro is nearly impossible to duplicate let alone pull off. These guys are hair idols for me, not to mention they're both extremely talented at their respective instruments.
                         I had great fros 8th through 10th grade. Mr. Arra certainly remembers my amazing fro from sophomore composition. I'm getting back to those days again. It feels so good. Curls are the best because you don't have to do anything. You wake up and you come as you are. No combing, no straightener, no ridiculous showering. Get out of bed, you're ready to seize the day.
                        One more thing, curls are quite common. 1 in 5 people in this country have them, 1 in 10 show them off. Pride people, come on embrace the fro. If you can't grow one, at least show off your natural curly hair by letting it down, like Rihanna, Russell Brand, Beyonce, and sometimes Taylor Swift do. Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, Chris Martin of Coldplay, and Roger Daltrey of The Who always sported great curls. Slash of Guns n Roses, Kirk Hammett of Metallica, and Brian May of Queen to name a few guitarists had perfect natural curls. In music, you don't have to look glamorous, so beautiful perfect fros are allowed and even in vogue. That's why I'm a songwriter and an untalented singer, because natural fros are allowed.

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