Thursday, November 15, 2012

Minimalism(not the art form)

               I don't need the latest gadgets or matierial possessions to be happy. I'm not a cheapskate, I'm still far too wasteful and spend way too much money. I spent over 30 dollars in two days! I rarely explain the photos above, but Buddhist monks dedicate their lives to meditation and own only their clothing.
               Their are many houses throughout the world that are built for minimalists, hence the design of the house in the picture. The bright white is fantastic because minimalism is like communism, no affiliations or rainbow colors are allowed, or at least necessary. I don't have or desire a cell phone, modern video game system, iPad, iPod, or a car.
               When and if I move out of the house all my apartment will have is a mattress, TV, certain food in the fridge, and maybe facewash, shampoo, and toilet paper in the bathroom. I say apartment because a house is too much space for me. I wont be throwing Gatsby style parties or having rugrats, so an apartment is kosher. I'm not a landscaper either, so that provided service will help me make more time for thought.
               Frivolous people I hold nothing against, but I wish to a higher power that they didn't live outside their means so often. Those who go bankrupt, can't afford christmas presents for their children, or spend all their money on BMW's don't know the joy and simplicity of living with the least materials possible.
               This blog is kind of like the couch potato or fro blog, in that I enjoy being a self proclaimed minimalist. I do watch an appalling amount of television, so electric bill wise I'm not in power at all. Many minimalists have only books in their bright white houses. People think minimalists are poor, but they're grossly misinformed. We minimalists are rich in spirit and a lot of times in money.
               We don't lead expensive lifestyles, but we also don't care about money and pity those who work for and worship their dollar bills. I personally wouldn't mind a little financial security, but money still wouldn't be a large deal to me. It's the 5,000 year old buddhist philosophy: don't let possessions rule you, rule yourself. That's profound and I'd prefer ruling myself.
                Bob Marley, the famous Godfather of Reggae music, didn't believe in material possession, and still lived in a small house when he died. He didn't write a will so his vast fortune went to the Jamaican government. I still think being a minimalist is impossible with children, unless you raise them on the values and beliefs of being free of materials and having more time for processing the brain, which is what Marley did with his padawan.
                 I still live with my Grandma, so having furniture, many articles of clothing, and a lot of other worthless junk is unavoidable. I can live without many luxuries, including television, but I'll admit the TV still owns me at this point. Someday I'll break free and truly be a human being, instead of a mindless zombie marching to the high of the television screen. At this point, I make a real minimalist throw up. Once I let everything go, including my "precious" DVD's, I'll be ready.

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