Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Dark Knight

    It's simple: we watch the Batman. And that is what a billion people did when this film hit theatres in July, 2008. Everything about this movie made me personally believe that it is the film of the 2000's.
    The action is awesome and required NO computer generated imagery. Even the maniacal blowing up of the hospital was all practical. The dialogue was sometimes hilarious and often times prophetic in tone and in delivery. Every actor was stunning, but none more so than scene stealing Heath Ledger.
     The Joker was never played this way on screen before. A psychopathic, masochistic, mass murdering, schizophrenic madman who gladly terrorizes the city of Gotham and every good guys morality for his own unusual amusement. Jack Nicholson was crazy and narcissistic in his performance in 1989 no question, but it was extremely campy 80's style especially Jack's dancing with his cronies in the mansion scene.
     Heath Ledger was mesmerizing. Aaron Eckhart played Harvey "Two Face" Dent more realistic and tortured than I ever thought imaginable, being a fanatic of the Batman series. His turn from incorruptible goodie to a revenge seeking murderer was perfectly played by Aaron, who deserves a lot more recognition but Heath Ledger was in this movie too, so....
     Christian Bale, who everybody rips on, nailed the physicality of the role of the Batman and acted with an American accent, which is incredibly method on his part. And also the no name actors Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine, and Maggie Gyllenhaal make appearances.
      Metacritic gives this film an 82/100, which I find appaling. It deserved at least a 92. Christopher Nolan, who also did "Inception", proved he was one of the best directors on the scene today. What an extraordinary mind. He also was a co-writer and co-producer on this film. Christopher wrote many of the Joker's lines that appeared in the film, which scores big points with me.
      One thing I haven't mentioned is the fantastic cinematography in this film. No matter the action in the scene, the camera stays with the film and I never once checked my watch in the entire 139 minutes when I saw it in the theatre on my 14th birthday. My Grandma covered her eyes during a few scenes, which I still believe proves this movie is effective.
       Although Heath Ledger died in a tragic overdose six months before the movie was released, he still became only the second actor to win an academy award posthumously (after death). The other was Peter Finch who won for 1976's "Network" after his untimely death.
      The movie is already a Hollywood phenomenon only three years after its release. The haters would probably say Heath Ledger's death sparked the hype for the film, which I find to be total bubkus. The movie is fantastic and a death wouldn't heighten a film's prestige. Besides, Heath Ledger's Joker has become iconic both in appearance and in quotes. "Why so serious"? I strongly recommend this movie to everybody.


  1. This movie is won of the best out there i love it and could probably watch it everyday the joker makes the movie with all of the creative things he pulls off.

  2. I agree with Tim. The Joker really did make this movie.

  3. Pretty great movie.. Can't wait for the next one. RIP heath Ledger

  4. This was a really graphic movie, not partically my type of movie but it was well directed.

  5. I loveeeeee this movie. Thank you for not writing your blog about sports. it has been nice to read them! Harvey Dent is prettty creepy. good blog.
