Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Censorship of Film


     Censorship. I hate it. In school, nobodys allowed to swear or listen to Youtube on the internet. In movies, unless they get that dumb R rating stamped on the poster, they dont get away with anything.
      PG-13 didnt exist until 1985, but when it first appeared as a rating, people really started thinking twice about movies they went to see with their children. Going back to the 30's as I love to do, movies werent allowed to have blood violence, language, or gratuitous themes that are allowed in films with the R rated films now.
       Movies that first started breaking those barriers happened in late 50's and early 60's B movies. In Mainstream terms The Gosdfather was the first film to feature Graphic Violence and mature themes and language. Why not, the 70's were only beginning, and films were getting more and more free to do as they please.
       In 1983 it happened. Scarface was released. Every possible "inappropriate" thing was used in this film, most notably Al Pacino's character diving his nose into a giant pile of an illegal powder substance. After a cult classic like that, certain movies would forever follow that pattern of ignoring the censors. TV was changing too.
      TV had always been dreadfully overcensored, even on shows like Sandford and Son or All In the Family, where racism was an often tackled issue. NYPD kicked the "You Cant Do That on TV" door in with its casual swearing and realistic violence. TV MA(Mature Audiences only) was created because of those genius bozos.
       When people think inappropriate, they think South Park. No wonder I love that show so much. The original premise was literally how children REALLY act when adults arent around. Trey and Matt, the creators, were sick of this Shirley Temple image these bratty kids were always getting on the Idiot Box. It was the first of numerous political statements these modern day Renaissance Men would make.
      I despise the TV edit of many movies. To allot more assaultive commercials, a lot of amazing scenes are cut out or censored for little kids and families who unwisely turned on such a lewd film. Examples include Friday the 13th, Peter Jackson's King Kong and worst of all Pulp Fiction.
      Occasionally, TNT will air movies immune to censorship such as Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan. Thank you very much, Steven Spielberg. It's high time somebody made a couple of masterpiece films that cant be tamed by the conservative lowlifes at these cable stations. This country needs to be more Liberal but this isn't apolitical blog. I dont want to bore people.
       The channel F/X was created by FOX executives to broadcast both films and Television shows considered far too risque for their own precious network. A brilliant channel that airs one of my favorite shows called Archer. Its TV MA so put the kids to bed when you watch it, but its animated and its hilarious. That channel is a lifesaver for censorship haters like me.
        Censorship is the dumbest idea America has had since putting Japanese people in Internment camps during World War II. I figure children hear cursing in the house, they see mindless violence on the Nightly News, and they learn about the mature themes in Health class, so yeah. America grow up and have an open mid if you please!


  1. I feel the exact same way about Censorship as you! I actually felt so strongly about it over the summer that a made a photo about it. I can't post images in comments, but here is the url to the photo. Check it out and let me know what you think.

    I have been following It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia since its 3rd season and am in love with it. I just discovered Archer and the League and think they are top notch too. The only problem is that I have to wait for everyone in my family to go to bed before I can watch them or I get appalled looks.

  2. Censorship takes so much away from everything. Whether its TV, the movies, or music. I also must say South Park is a great show. So many people think its dumb but I really like how they just say what they think and call it good. Joe you should definalty check out a comdeian whose name is Carlos Mencia. I thnk you will find him really funny.
